Los Angeles Underwater
date. 2021 -2022
client. Natural History Museum Los Angeles
description. Before it was the vibrant city we know, Los Angeles was underwater for over 90 million years. Explore the underwater realm of ancient Los Angeles when much of the L.A. area was submerged beneath the waves of the prehistoric Pacific Ocean.Dive into the newest multimedia-rich, immersive exhibition L.A. Underwater at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles. Discover L.A.’s prehistoric past through the stories of nearly 40 fossils that are uncovering the secrets of our submerged prehistory.
Working directly with NHMLA paleontologists and exhibits team, I helped to create conceptual artwork, anatomical studies, and final 3D reconstructions for many of the prehistoric animals displayed life sized in the exhibit. Models were initially sculpted in Zbrush and some were textured in Substance 3D Painter. All models were retopologized and animated by Kain Suwannaphin.